
Optional Membership

  • At Chabad Minneapolis, every Jew is family!  

    We have an open door policy, and everyone is welcomed regardless of affiliation or level observance. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

    While we maintain Chabad’s policy that everyone is welcome to our synagogue regardless of membership, we recognize that partnership also has advantages. Partnership in a synagogue represents a commitment to the community and the continuity of keeping Judaism alive.

    Your optional membership helps strengthen our community….it is what makes Chabad a reality.

  • Partnership Opportunities

  • Basic Membership:  $1,000 

    Family Membership: $1,300

    Enhanced Family Membership: $1,800

    Double Chai Club: $3,600

    Triple Chai Club: $5,400

    Gold Circle: $7,200

    Diamond Circle: $12,000


    Shul Friend: $500

    Daily Donor: ($1 per day) $355

  • Memebership has its privileges!

  • Members names may be listed in publications throughout the year.

    As a Chabad member you are entitled to the following privileges:

    * Life Cycle Events; Rabbi or Rebbetzin will officiate your life cycle event free of charge (provided certain halachic guidelines are met)

    * Bar and Bat Mitzvah Preparation; You will receive a discounted members rate for Bar and Bat Mitzvah lessons for your son or daughter.

    * Yizkor Memorial Book Listing; Listing of loved ones in the Yizkor Memorial booklet.

    * Reminders of Jewish Birthday and Yartzeits; You will receive reminders about upcoming Jewish Birthdays and Yartzeits (for those listed below)

    * Use of Chabad Center;  Discounted rate for use of the Chabad Center Community Social Hall for your simcha or celebration.

    Above all, belonging to an amazing Jewish community & building lifelong friendships.

    Thank you for being a partner of Chabad Minneapolis!

  • Membership Information

  • Spouse Information (if applicable)

  • Family Information (if applicable)

  • Yartzeit Information (if applicable)

  • List family members yartzeits for reminders and to be included in the Yizkor Memorial booklet. Please include the following:

    1) Name and fathers name of the deceased (Jewish names if known, otherwise their legal given names) 

    2) Date of passing

    3) Relationship to you

  • Payment Information:

  • $0.00

    Credit Card
    Please list how you would like to pay
    Billing Address
  • Thank you for your partnership!

  • Should be Empty:
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