We offer you the opportunity to honor the memory of a loved one with a memorial plaque and at the same time, ensure that the hallowed customs and traditions that are associated with a Yahrtzeit are lovingly performed. You create a double mitzvah – Tzedakah and support of Jewish life in Minneapolis – on behalf of your loved ones.
Names inscribed on the plaque will have their Yahrtzeit observed in the following manner:
 An email will be sent each year with a reminder of the day of the Yahrtzeit.
 If there is no family member present on the Yahrtzeit day to say the “Kaddish”, it will be said for you.
 Mishnayos will be studied by the Rabbi on the Yahrtzeit day.
 The memorial bulb will be lit for the month of the Yahrtzeit and during all Yizkor days.
 Four times a year, on Yom Kippur, Succos, Pesach, and Shavuos, the name of the departed will be included in the Yizkor service.
The initial cost for inscription on a bronze plaque is $360.00. Each year thereafter, a contribution
of any size will be accepted on the Yahrtzeit day. For more information please call the office at
DONOR INFORMATION (individual ordering the plaque)
First name    State
Last name   Zip
Address   Email
City   Phone
I would like to dedicate    plaque/s at $360 per name/plaque.
Please inscribe the following name on the memorial tablet:
Last Name   Last Name
First Name   First Name
Hebrew Name   Hebrew Name
Fathers Hebrew Name   Fathers Hebrew Name
Date of Passing
  Date of Passing  
After dark? Yes   No   After dark? Yes   No
Please send Yahrtzeit cards to the following people on the yahrtzeit:
Name   Full Address
Name   Full Address
I am dedicating a plaque:  
  My credit card will be charged once, upon completion of the form below, in the amount of $360  
  My credit card will be charged $180 on the first of each month for the next two months, starting  
if you would like to arrange other payment options please contact Rabbi Grossbaum at 952.929.9922
Name on card   Amount to be charged TODAY
Card Number   Card Type
Exp. Date       CVV Code   3 digits on back of card